Q:Why does LED display need aging test? What are the advantages of aging test?

    We often encounter such problems when applying LED screens. The LED screen works normally when the product is first used, but after being lit for a period of time, the light will dim, flicker, malfunction, and light up intermittently. causing serious damage to the product. Therefore, aging testing must be performed during LED display production.

    The aging of LED display screens is an essential step in the LED display production process. It is also a testing link in LED display production testing. It is an important guarantee for the quality of LED electronic display screens.

     LED aging test is a very important part of product quality control. LED products can improve their performance after aging, helping to stabilize their performance in later use. The LED aging test is a countermeasure taken based on the characteristics of the product failure rate curve, that is, the bathtub curve, to improve product reliability.

    The aging of LED display is divided into white light aging (4 hours) and video aging (48 hours).

    LED aging methods include constant current aging and constant voltage aging.

     A constant current source means that the current is constant at all times. If there is a frequency problem, it is not constant current. That‘s alternating current or pulsating current. AC or pulsating current sources can be designed to have a constant effective value, but this type of power supply cannot be called a "constant current source." Constant current aging is in line with the LED current operating characteristics and is a scientific LED aging method. Overcurrent impact aging is also an aging method adopted by manufacturers. By using a constant current source with adjustable frequency and current for such aging, the quality and life of the LED can be judged in a short time, and many problems that cannot be solved by conventional aging can be discovered. Picking out Hidden LED Hazards,

1. Test content: white screen, red, green and blue monochrome, grayscale gradient, video effect, text effect

2.LED display white screen test time is not less than 24 hours

3. Monochrome and grayscale gradient testing shall take no less than 24 hours.

4. Video and text effect testing shall not be less than 24 hours 4

5. There must be someone on duty during the LED display aging test, and if any problems are found, they should be reported to the engineering department manager for processing in a timely manner.

     Aging is an important guarantee for the reliability of electronic products and an essential step in product production. LED products can improve their performance after aging and help stabilize their performance after drying. LED display aging test is a very important link in product quality control, but it is often ignored in many cases and cannot perform correct and effective aging. 

Q:How to repair LED display PCB solder pins when they fall off?

Q:Partial color patches are missing

 We must have seen this problem for whom are familiar with LED displays, that is, when the LED display is playing normally, a small square block of different colors appears. This problem is usually caused by the burning of the color IC behind the color block. Well, the solution is to replace it with a new IC.

Q:Partial black screen and large area black screen

Usually when we talk about a black screen, it means that when the LED display is playing normally, one or more LED modules show that the entire area is not bright. A few LED module areas are not bright, we call it a partial black screen, and more areas are called a partial black screen. It‘s a large black screen. When this happens, we usually first consider the power factor. Generally, check whether the LED power indicator light is working normally. If the LED power indicator light does not light up, it is likely that the power supply is damaged. Just replace it with a new power supply of corresponding power. You should also check whether the power cord of the LED module corresponding to the black screen is loose. Many times, re-twisting the wires can solve the black screen problem.

Q:Partial "dead" LED lamp, what to do ?

Partial "dead light" means that one or several lights on the LED display screen do not light up. This kind of non-lighting is divided into full-time non-lighting and partial color non-lighting. Generally, there is a problem with the lamp itself. Either it is damp or the RGB chip is damaged. Our repair method is very simple, which is to replace it with the spare LED lamp bead provided by the factory. The tools used are tweezers and heat gun. After replacing the spare LED lamp bead, use Test the test card again. If there is no problem, it has been fixed.

Q:Green light no flash for sending card

Check the DVI cable connector; reset the copy mode; choose to turn on the large screen power in the software; re-insert the sending card or replace the sending card;

Q:The “Caterpillar” Problem

"Caterpillar" is just a metaphor. It refers to the phenomenon that when the LED display is powered on and has no input source, a long dark bright strip appears on part of the lamp surface, mostly in red. The root cause of this phenomenon is leakage of the internal chip of the lamp, or short circuit of the IC line tube behind it. The former is the majority. Usually when this happens, we just need to hold a hot air gun and blow hot air along the discolored "caterpillar" with leakage. When it hits the lamp in question, it‘s usually OK, because the heat makes the internal leakage chip connections It has been opened, but there are still hidden dangers. We only need to find the LED lamp bead that is leaking, and replace the hidden lamp bead according to the method mentioned above. If the line line on the back of the IC is short-circuited, you need to use a multimeter to measure the relevant IC pin circuit and replace it with a new IC.

Q:The whole screen shakes or ghosts

Re-insert or replace the communication cable; plug and reinforce the DVI cable; replace the sending card.

Q:Partial garbled characters

The problem of local garbled characters is more complicated. It refers to the phenomenon of messy, irregular and possibly random flashing color blocks appearing in local areas when the LED display is played. When this kind of problem occurs, we usually first check the signal cable connection problem. You can check whether the cable is burned, whether the network cable is loose, etc. In maintenance practice, we found that aluminum-magnesium wire cables are easy to burn out, while pure copper cables have a longer life. If there is no problem with the entire signal connection, then exchange the LED module in question with the adjacent module that plays normally. You can basically judge whether the LED module corresponding to the abnormal playback area is damaged. The cause of the damage is mostly IC problems. , maintenance will also be more complicated.  

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